Heathwood's Global Voice Project pulls in a selection of relevant third-party articles, research and reports from around the world.
Resist _ against a precarious future

Re-imagining the future of work

This is an extract from Resist! Against a precarious future, a new book on young people and politics, edited by Ray Filar. Resist! is the third book in the Radical Future series: publications by young activists... Read More...

State of Power 2015| TNI

(If the PDF doesn’t display properly, please refresh the page or click here) An annual anthology on global power and resistance - The fourth edition of TNI's State of Power report, seeks to examine differe... Read More...
© Belal Khaled/AA/TT/TT News Agency/Press Association Images

A deeper pain

"The war that makes global news is superimposed on a severe, chronic, traumatic deprivation that is no longer news" By Samah Jabr Israel’s war against the Gaza Strip between 7 July and 25 August caused, r... Read More...