Dear Friends, Colleagues and Readers

It has been 3 years since Heathwood officially launched. In that time we have achieved some amazing things. The project has become known all over the world as a leading force in critical theory and as a promising international academic collective, whose primary focus is to advance the Frankfurt School and support the development of democratic alternatives across all areas of society.

At the closing of another year, we are now at the point where we must start looking toward the future and to all of the exciting plans we have for 2016. But in order to continue to develop the Heathwood project and make it financially secure in the long run, we need your support.

We are committed to keeping the Heathwood website free (and ad-free). We are also committed to the original aims of the Press in which the vast majority of our publications are made available free and online. But in preserving these commitments, we need the help of our readers.

It takes a lot of money to sustain Heathwood on a day to day basis. That is why we’re trying to raise £1000. A significant portion of this money will go toward supporting key plans in securing Heathwood’s future and making the project financially sustainable. We have consulted with some of the leading people in the world of radical publishing in effort to draw the best possible model and strategy for Heathwood in the long run. The launch of our new print Journal as well as the future expansion of the book publishing side of the Press are two important developments in this regard. However, we cannot fully realize and implement these plans without your support.

It also takes hundreds of hours to maintain Heathwood’s heavily-trafficked website; organize and manage the project’s extensive research and publication activities; edit and proof submissions; develop new projects and design new series; organize research collaborations and consult the development of new research projects; write relevant Call for Papers; among many other things. The work required to keep the project going has really become the equivalent of several full-time jobs. Except, at the moment, majority of this work is being done voluntarily by one or two people. Our plans to make the project financially sustainable will also allow us to compensate those working hard behind the scenes and to potentially also hire other important editorial staff. This is essential moving forward.

In short, Heathwood is now at a critical period in its development. The world of radical independent publishing is not easy. As an exciting and unique radical press, which functions and operates on a non-profit basis, we are issuing a call for solidarity.

Every donation, big or small, is greatly appreciated. For the price of a cup of coffee, you can help us keep our servers running. For the price of a wholesome dinner you can help us secure Heathwood’s future, create new works, organize new projects, and establish our new print Journal.

You can learn more and donate here:…

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